档案39(港),39号特案(台),第39号案件 Case 39...
铁血战士5,终极战士:兽猎者(台),铁血战士:狩猎追击(港),铁血战士:骷髅,铁血战士:狩猎,Skulls,铁血战士:猎物 Prey...
不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children2023,不对劲的孩子 There's Something Wrong with the Children...
瓦斯科小丑,地狱小丑 The Legend of Wasco...
猛鬼追魂:地狱世界,养鬼吃人8:地狱世界 Hellraiser: Hellworld...
猛鬼街6:终极噩梦,弗莱迪之死:最终噩梦,猛鬼街6 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare...
芝加哥打鬼,活死人归来 The Return of the Living Dead...
灵异档案(台),死寂,安静的人,死寂亡灵 The Quiet Ones...
颤栗:五大丧尸,恐惧幻影 Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear...
深水妖宅,深宅 The Deep House...
Litte Vampire,小吸血鬼 Petit vampire...
杠上活死人,笑死人凶间(港),活人甡吃(台),活死人情缘,行走的肖恩,僵尸肖恩 Shaun of the Dead...