Dzień Matki,Mother’s Day,母亲节行动 Dzien Matki...
静默双声,The Silent Twins,沉默的双胞胎 Silent Twins...
生活即此 Live is life2021,生活即此 Live is life...
神父教我的事 Johnny2022,神父教我的事 Johnny...
Until the End of the World,直到世界尽头 Bis ans Ende der Welt...
Mussolini: The Last Four Days,The Last Four Days (USA),墨索里尼的末日 Mussolini: Ultimo atto...
头号粉丝(台),狂热粉丝,穆斯,Moose,狂热 The Fanatic...
All Your Dead Ones,所有死者 Todos Tus Muertos...
Te Llevo Conmigo,我随身携带你 I Carry You with Me...
冒充白人,白色通行证,冒名之肤 Passing...
Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...
尸体,Kadaver,Grøsser,食人剧场 Cadaver...
Dangerous Attraction,危险吸引 Shadow of Fear...